• What is the multiplication/division library with the accelerator support?
    Also, I want to know how each calculation routine and function is processing in the assembler level. Where should I refer to?
    • The multiplication/division library with the accelerator support is a group of routines that calculate using the multiplication/division accelerator equipped on the U8 and U16 core microcontroller.
      By linking this library, code can be replaced without changes to the C source using the multiplication/division accelerator for program containing 16-bit or 32-bit multiplication/division.
      The binary code file (Filename: MULDIVU8LIB) of this library is deployed to C:\Program Files\U8Dev\Lib when U8 Development Tools are installed.
      For details on the multiplication/division library with the accelerator support, see "User's Manual for Multiplication/Division Library Supporting MULDIVU8LIB Accelerator."
      This multiplication/division library with the accelerator support can be used only on U8 and U16 microcontroller equipped with a multiplication/division coprocessor (Example: ML620Q504F, etc.).

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