• If I start the DTU8 Debugger, select the target microcontroller, and then click "OK", "ICE error: 6603H" will occur.
    • ICE error: 6603H occurs in the following cases.
      (1) Poor connection between the on-chip emulator and the microcontroller
      (2) Microcontroller failure
      Check the following.
      ・ Is there a problem with the connection / contact of the interface cable?
      ・ Are any components such as resistors or capacitors that cannot be connected when using an on-chip emulator connected to RESET_N or TEST0?
      If there are no problems with these, the microcontroller you are using may be defective. Please replace the microcontroller and try again.

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    • Products: General-purpose MCUs (16bit) , Speech Playback MCUs (8bit)